
Sunday School

Sunday School is a vital part of Mt. Zion. It is foundational to everything we do. Classes are available for all ages from birth through Senior Adults. Caring, outreach visitation, and bereavement ministry are all done by faithful members of Sunday School classes.

Children’s Ministry

We love seeing children at Mt. Zion Baptist Church. We are proud to offer many opportunities for all ages from the nursery to 6th grade including programs like children’s choir, bible learning, Kids Camps, fun events like movie nights and a fall festival, Vacation Bible School, and summer camp trips.

Student Ministry

We have student ministry opportunities for students from 7th-12th grade. We meet at 6:30 on Wednesday nights. Mt. Zion gives many opportunities for our students to serve God through helping run events like kids camp, Vacation Bible School, plus awesome trips throughout the year.

College & Career Ministry

Young adults in college or in the work force are welcomed to join our our College & Career ministry at Mt. Zion. This is a new and growing ministry. We have a Sunday School and training union class offered to this age group. These students are serving Mt. Zion through working events at the church and serving on missions. This last fall we had a retreat in Arkansas and saw spiritual and relational growth from this event.

Women’s Ministry

WMU meets various needs in the church and the community through its support of the Crisis Pregnancy Ministry, Hope Ministries projects, student mission trips and scholarships. These women also serve the local jails, national missions and our children at Mt. Zion Baptist Church.

Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministries include an emphasis on Brotherhood Ministry. This organization gives to missionaries from Thailand to Montana to Massachusetts! They also support seminary students as well as local school sports teams. Our Deacon Ministry seeks to meet the needs of widows and widowers with visits, calls and meals. Our men meet for Brotherhood breakfast once a month – this is a great time for fellowship and an opportunity to serve other

Senior Adults

From Sunday School, Missions Giving, WMU and Brotherhood, senior adults lead the way! Seniors also enjoy “Out To Eat Thursday’s” and some are involved in Game Days on Thursday’s in our Fellowship Hall as well as our Fourth of July Celebration. Our Mt. Zion Senior Adults are SERIOUS about SERVING!
family ministry

Family Ministry

At Mt. Zion, we have put an emphasis on ministering to families. Family ministry has at the heart of it children’s ministry. We take two trips a year as a church family and spend time fellowshipping and attending a Christian trip like going to Sight and Sound Theatre or the Ark Encounter.

Training Union

We would love to see you during our training union hour on Sunday Evenings. We offer a variety of training classes from children (including nursery) to multiple adult classes. Class times start at 5pm.